Almost everyone who’s worked in the food and beverage industry knows that cleaning and disinfection of commercial kitchens and water lines is critical for keeping customers safe from bacterial infections. Chlorine has been traditionally used as a common method to...
A clean kitchen is essential for keeping our food clean and our family healthy. According to the Center for Disease Control, viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins, metals, and prions cause more than 200 known diseases that are transmitted through food. We cook,...
On February 5, 2004, the FDA wrote a letter to voice its concern to lettuce and tomato farmers about the numerous outbreaks tied to those foods. Since 1996, 14 such outbreaks have been investigated, with the Salinas Valley, California’s agriculture hub, being at the...
Ozonated water has become an invaluable tool for a number of businesses. With any emerging technology, there are always concerns about safety and potential harm to humans. Ozone has proven to be a powerful disinfection technology used for over a hundred years to keep...
Ozone is one of the world’s most powerful oxidizing agents, as it readily removes organic and microorganisms and pollutants in water supplies. Ozone is a molecular compound of three oxygen atoms (O3), in which two oxygen atoms from the basic oxygen molecule (O2 –...